Rules & Regulations - 2025
Check In: Check in is before dark here on MountainSide, and is to everyone’s advantage.
No check-in later than 7:00PM unless pre-arranged.
All visitors and guests must be registered!
No additional persons or animals added to your registation without contacting us.
Please no online hook ups ever.
Deposits Required on Holiday Weekends: Holiday weekends are some of our busiest weekends here at camp, often having to turn people away.
During Holiday weekends, we require a $100. non - refundable deposit to reserve cabin's and campers.
WE ACCEPT PAY PAL, Venmo, cash & checks
All other weekends we are keeping our regular booking policy: no deposit required. However, it is necessary to let MountainSide know if your plans change. This allows another camper the opportunity to camp with us on what may otherwise be considered a sold-out weekend.
Consideration on MountainSide!
NO Smoking: MountainSide is a No Smoking atmosphere. Smoking is NOT permitted in any of the buildings. If you must smoke, please smoke at your campsite, and please don't let the butt's hit the ground.
Think Green: What you bring in... you take out!
We do recycle here on MountainSide. Help us by recyclcing.
so we will take care of recyclable - glass & Can's only.
No Sloppy Drunks.
Towels, Sheets & Blankets: Bring them.
Dog & Pony Show: Please let us know if you will be bringing a pet. Current Veterinarian health certificate due upon registration. Pet owners will assume all risks and be completely responsible for their aniimals. Keep dogs on leash in the imediate camping areas. No dogs allowed in the canteen.
Good Doggie: To be seen, and not heard.
- Dogs are the complete responsibility of the owner. You must clean up after your dog in public areas.
- In all public gathering areas, dogs will remain on a leash.
- Dogs allowed in select cabins and Bunkhouses. Dogs should not be left in cabins unattended for long periods of time. Outside kennel or box stall available, if you want to venture out, without your pooch.
- Please Keep dogs off of the beds.
Feed me NOT! : Please do not feed other peoples dogs. Ask owners before doing so. Do not bring dogs to the canteen during Pot Luck Gatherings, or during customary food eating or preparation times.

Food: Is not served at the Campground, be sure to bring your own. Stores and restaurants are close by. You may cook over an open fire, and additionally we have gas or coal grills for convenience. The Canteen offers campers a covered eating area, gas grill, and small refrigerator. Pot Luck Dining on select evenings at 6:30PM.
MountainSide campground will not be responsible for clean up.
Contributions to propane gas and wood pellets accepted!
Complimentary MountainSide coffee offered Both Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Store food from all animals.
Loud Music: is cut off at 10:00PM. Crickets chirp all night long.
Fires must be attended to at all times: and burned in an approved fire pit. Do not start a fire without a filled water bucket present. Fires may not be permitted due to dry or windy conditions. Ask before you light if you are in question. Do not leave tiki torches or candles or other types of open flame unattended. All fires out by 1:00AM
Camp Firewood: Bundles of wood will be available for sale. $20. Wood found on the forest floor is free, bring your camp saw.
Do not bring in firewood. Its the law! Help protect our beautiful forests!
Do not remove Campground firewood from the campground
For more information Click on image below.. opens up a external webpage

This list is not intended to be an all inclusive list of rules and regulations.
Subject to change without notice!
Managment reserves the exlusive right to interprete any rules and regulations.
If you have further questions, Please ask.